What’s Next: Mapping the New Education Landscape

What’s Next: Mapping the New Education Landscape

After more than a year “on the hustings” promoting the themes of my book, this week I begin a new reporting project at The Chronicle of Higher Education. We call it, Re:Learning | Mapping the New Education Landscape and in many ways, it marks a very logical next step for me after writing about the crisis (crises, really) in American Higher Education.

Here’s a link to our new page,

I’m doing this project with a great colleague, Jeff Young, and we’ll have regular contributions from smart outside folks as well.

As the name suggests, we’ll be covering the ideas and people at the cutting edge of the changing ecosystem — sometimes including organizations and companies doing things that go beyond the roles of traditional colleges. We’ll  be writing about the doings of companies, the think tank / foundation crowd, and the people on campuses themselves where we know a lot of innovation is taking place.

We’re very mindful that there’s a lot of hype out there about so-called disruption; and a lot of hate too. But with my years of experience and Jeff Young’s, we think we can cut thru the BS and present stories that sense of the noise.

For my first story,  I wrote about the growing phenomenon of the “embedded for-profit” at traditional colleges.

We also hope Re:Learning will be the foundation of some sort of virtual community (and maybe even a live one at some point) where we can intelligently discuss the changing landscape. So please take a minute to “like” our Facebook page   — — so you can comment on the articles and other posts we put there.  (I’m the Facebook czarina for the project so if there’s a topic you think we should raise there, let me know!)

On our Chronicle page, you’ll also see a place to sign up for our weekly newsletter and a place to suggest ideas that we might pursue as stories.

Thanks and hope to hear from many of you as we pursue this new endeavor.



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